Fórum CZEDUCON je platformou pro setkávání odborníků z oblasti internacionalizace vysokých škol. V České republice se jedná o největší akci svého druhu. Konferenci pořádá Dům zahraniční spolupráce pod záštitou MŠMT.
V roce 2019 se konference zúčastní na 500 návštěvníků a vybrat si budou moci ze 42 přednášek a workshopů. Těšit se mohou na téměř 70 prezentujících, z toho 20 renomovaných zahraničních hostů.
Mezi hlavními řečníky se představí:
Rahul Choudaha, Executive Vice President, StudyPortals

Dr. Rahul Choudaha is a global higher education strategist. He holds a doctorate in higher education, master’s in business management, and a bachelor’s in electronics engineering. He has led thought leadership, research and global engagement as Executive Vice President at Studyportals and Chief Knowledge Officer at World Education Services. Choudaha frequently speaks at international conferences and has been quoted in over 300 publications including the BBC, Time, and The Wall Street Journal. He was the principal researcher of two national reports commissioned by NAFSA. He is an elected member of the General Council of the European Association for International Education (2018-2020) and previously served as the Chair of the International Education Leadership Knowledge Community of NAFSA.
Sabine Pendl, President, EAIE
Sabine Pendl is the President of the European Association for International Education (EAIE) and the Director of the Office of International Relations at the University of Graz, Austria. For more than 25 years she has been active in the field of internationalisation. She has managed international projects and summer schools; has worked as a trainer on the development of joint degrees and the management of an international office; has authored numerous articles on internationalisation topics such as benchmarking and teaching in English; and has participated actively in conferences around the world. In addition, she was President of the Utrecht Network twice and currently acts as auditor for the German Rectors’ Conference for their internationalisation project. Sabine’s term as President of the EAIE is from September 2018 to 2020.
Ulrich Grothus, President, ACA
Ulrich Grothus is president of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the European umbrella organization of national agencies promoting internationalisation in higher education. Until his retirement in July 2018, Grothus was Deputy Secretary-General of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He obtained a Master’s degree in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin in 1976. He then worked as a journalist before joining the International Division of the former West German Rectors Conference in 1982. He worked for DAAD from 1988 through 2018, first as spokesman and head of the president’s office. From 1991, he was consecutively director of all three DAAD program directorates, for the Southern and Northern hemisphere and for supra regional internationalization programs.
Jiří Nantl, ředitel, CEITEC MU
Jiří Nantl is the former deputy minister of education for the Czech Republic, architect of higher educational legislation reform and National Educational Strategy 2014-2020, and principal co-author of Czech higher education qualifications framework. He is an educational law and policy expert, and higher education professional with substantial experience in governance, management and quality assurance of higher education institutions/systems. He has a track record of guiding complex organizations through periods of transition. Nantl holds master´s degrees in political science, law and corporate law. He currently works as the managing director of the Central European Institute of Technology at Masaryk University in Brno. He has been involved with the Masaryk University since 2009, occupying various management positions.
Nově bude dán prostor i pro poster sessions. Pro registrované hosty je připravena také večerní diskuze se zahraničními studenty a kulturní program v uměleckém centru Pragovka.
Hlavní témata fóra CZEDUCON 2019 jsou:
- Mezinárodní vzdělávání v čase změn
- Recruitment zahraničních studentů
- Mezinárodní vzdělávání pro všechny
- Mezinárodní vzdělávání a pracovní kariéra
- Výzvy internacionalizace v českém vysokém školství
Historicky první ročník se uskutečnil v roce 2018. Svůj pohled na internacionalizaci vzdělávání v Evropě představil mimo jiné bývalý prezident EAIE Markus Laitinen a zástupkyně Evropské komise Francesca Maltauro. Průřezové téma konference „20 let na vlně mezinárodního vzdělávání“ reagovalo na loňské výročí 20 let od zapojení České republiky do programu Erasmus.